Omega-3 fatty acids are essential brain nutrients. Omega 3s are required for life. Because the body cannot make Omega 3s, we rely on dietary intake of them from food. Most Americans don't get enough Omega 3. Fish and nuts are the best dietary sources of Omega 3.
Omega 3 intake is critical for brain health because high intake of Omega 3 supports our digestive, circulatory and metabolic health. These three organ systems nourish and protect the brain by absorbing, transporting, and breaking down nutrients from food.
Benefit 1: An Optimized Digestive System
The body gets nutrients through the intestines, whose job is to discriminate between nutrients and enemies. This process requires a delicate balance of pro and anti-inflammatory processes. People with higher Omega 3 intake tend to maintain a healthier microbiome and a cancer-free digestive system, which provides the optimal environment for absorbing brain nutrients.
Benefit 2: A Healthier Circulation
The brain receives oxygen and energy from blood vessels that get smaller and smaller as they reach the deeper recesses. People with higher Omega 3 intake tend to maintain healthier brain blood vessels throughout life, which keeps them using their whole brain throughout life.
Benefit 3: A Better Metabolism
The brain is the most energy-hungry organ of the body. Just like the body, the brain also relies on insulin to convert food into energy. People with higher Omega 3 make more efficient use of insulin when digesting food. Efficient use of insulin helps the body maintain an optimal weight. Efficient use of insulin also helps long-range brain connections stay strong.
OMEGA-3s at Honeybrains
Many Honeybrains dishes are high in Omega 3, including the Daily Catch, Dr. Smoked Salmon, Avocado Crush with 8 Minute Omega-3 Eggs, Power Oatmeal with Walnuts, and Chia Charge. Also, Honeybrains uses only Omega 3 Eggs.

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Omega-3 fatty acids correlate with gut microbiome diversity and production of N-carbamylgutamate in middle aged and elderly women. Menni C, Zierer J, Pallister T, Jackson MA, Long T, Mohney RP, Steves CJ, Spector TD, Valdes AM. Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 11;7(1):11079.
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Dietary fat intake and metabolic syndrome in adults: A systematic review. Julibert A, Bibiloni MDM, Tur JA. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis.2019 Sep;29(9):997-905.
The starving brain: Overfed meets undernourished in the pathology of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Gibas KJ. Neurochem Int.2017 Nov;110:57-68. doi:10.1016/j.neuint.2017.09.0004. Epub 2017 Sep 9.
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